An Essential Guide To Start a Large Scale Hydroponic Farm Business

Commercial Hydroponic Farming: Tips On How To Set It Up Successfully

Planning is key when starting any business. When starting a large-scale hydroponic farm, you'll need to create a business plan and financial projections. You'll also need some essential equipment. This includes growing lights, fans, air filters, pumps, and nutrient solutions. Be sure to research the different types of equipment available and what will be best for your specific farm.

An Essential Guide To Start a Large Scale Hydroponic Farm Business In Phoenix, AZ

Find a Potential Location For Your Farm

When starting, the first step you will need to take is to find a potential location for your farm. Commercial hydroponic farms are typically vast in size and require plenty of room to grow crops. Therefore you must consider all factors before choosing a location. First, have an idea of how much space you will need by knowing what kinds of crops you plan on growing and how big they'll get during their growth process. Note that certain climates can be more suited for different types of plants so research beforehand whether or not your chosen area has the weather conditions necessary for optimal plant growth. Also, have an accurate idea of how many customers there are in your surrounding area who would purchase from you.

Crop Choice

Once the location has been chosen, it's time to start thinking about what kind of crops you will begin farming.  Before deciding on what crops to choose, do some research on different types of plants and their needs. Some plants require more water than others so they cannot be grown in all climates. If selling to supermarkets or grocery stores then you'll need to plant those that are popular with consumers such as lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, bell peppers, etc. It is also important not to plant too much of one kind of crop since demand may fall if there's a surplus year after year.

What Hydroponic System Will You Build?

Once you decide what kind of plants to grow, the next step is to decide which hydroponic system will be best for your farm. Commercial hydroponics can take place in several systems such as NFT (nutrient film technique), deep water culture, drip irrigation, and ebb and flow. Each system has advantages and disadvantages. For instance, tomatoes are difficult to grow using an ebb and flow system because they require constant flooding; whereas lettuces prefer an NFT system because they need less nutrient solution than other crops like tomatoes. Commercial growers typically use either NFT or DWC (deep water culture) since both provide efficient means of watering all plants growing under them evenly without wasting too much time or labor on maintenance.

Choosing The Right Farm Lighting

One of the most important aspects of a successful hydroponic farm is choosing the right lighting. This will be determined by the type of plants you choose to grow. Plants that need a lot of sunlight, such as vegetables and fruits, will require full-spectrum LED lights. These lights can be expensive but they are worth the investment as they will help increase crop yields while reducing energy costs.

Contact Dutch Direct For All Of Your Commercial Hydroponic Needs!

Dutch Direct is committed to optimizing your greenhouse production in a sustainable way. We offer the widest selection of wholesale supplies, from which you can choose according to both profit margins and innovation levels. For more information contact us at or give us a call at (844) 388-2434.

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