Anden dehumidifiers are designed and built for cultivation. Get access to effective industrial units removing hundreds of pints of moisture per day, and circulate air within your cultivation space to create a healthy, grow-optimized environment.
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Why Your  Environment Matters

Cultivators like you face three significant climate obstacles when attempting to harvest high-quality, high-yield crops, temperature, humidity and air flow.


Without the proper grow room equipment, it becomes increasingly difficult to maximize your yield. Factors such as air leakage, ventilation, heat radiation, solar gain and even outdoor temperature can impact your business.


The biggest challenge facing indoor cultivators is controlling of grow room humidity. Yields are particularly sensitive to humidity swings. In fact, 97% of the water dispensed to plants ends up in the air. Is your grow room properly equipped?

Air Circulation

Maintaining proper airflow helps carry moisture away from plants. If moisture collects on the leaves for too long, your crop will be at risk of bud rot, mildew, mold, pests and more. Prevent disasters from impacting your investment.

Anden Advantages

Anden 320V3

320 Pints Per Day, 277VAC. Anden A320V3 is designed and built for cultivation. This industrial unit removes up to 320 pints of moisture per day, and powerfully circulates air within your cultivation space to create a healthy, grow-optimized environment. And it really moves some air–up to 830 cubic feet per minute for maximum moisture removal. Setup is simple, and humidity is constantly controlled to help prevent crop disease and pests.
Anden Grow-Optimized Industrial Dehumidifier

Anden 320V1

320 Pints Per Day, 208-240VAC. Anden A320V1 dehumidifiers are designed and built for cultivation. This industrial unit removes up to 320 pints of moisture per day, and powerfully circulates air within your cultivation space to create a healthy, grow-optimized environment. And it really moves some air–up to 830 cubic feet per minute for maximum moisture removal. Setup is simple, and humidity is constantly controlled to help prevent crop disease and pests.
Anden Grow-Optimized Industrial Dehumidifier

Anden 210V1

210 Pints Per Day. Anden A210V1 dehumidifier are designed and built for cultivation. This industrial unit removes up to 210 pints of moisture per day, and circulates air within your cultivation space to create a healthy, grow-optimized environment. Setup is simple, and humidity is constantly controlled to help prevent crop disease and pests.
  • Removes up to 3 liters per kilowatt hour, for maximum energy efficiency.
Anden Grow-Optimized Industrial Dehumidifier

Anden A 70

Anden a70

Anden A95

Anden a95

Anden A 130

Anden 130

Steam Humidifier

Anden 130

Download Anden’s

Dehumidifier Specification Sheets

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