In conventional farming models, the size, type, and availability of land is what determines the supply output from that particular area. However, sustainable agriculture is more specifically interested in the quality of the land itself – the soil. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the soil plays a crucial role in increasing the supply capacity of an area, and provides information that enables farmers to directly improve the quality of their soil. This encourages plant and animal diversity and builds the health of the entire ecosystem. Digital soil mapping is a significant step forward, especially in areas where there is little data about the potential for food production. That data can be used to intensify crop production and provide better management of local natural resources.
The use of satellite imagery and sensors enables farmers to manage their large farms more efficiently. This technology observes, measures, and collects data on field crop rotations. Using this data, farmers can optimize production while also conserving resources for where they are truly needed. Data analysis promotes informed decisions, plus better reactions to crop variances and weather changes. Advocates of precision farming believe this technology will help farmers with crop science, environmental awareness, and a more sustainable future in agriculture.
Vertical farming is an intriguing method of growing that is popular with large scale, small scale, and backyard growers alike. It uses many of the same principles of greenhouse production, but crops are trained vertically against walls that reflect light. This innovative growing method is a response to urbanization, which has caused less available farmland while food needs increase in the same area. Vertical farming offers the advantages of year round harvesting, protection from adverse weather, and easier regulation of factors such as temperature, humidity, and light. Vertical crops do not rely on soil, but instead are nourished with enriched water.
Fertilizer deep placement, known as FDP, is a method in which
fertilizer bricks are placed directly into the soil, in contrast to conventional farming, which utilizes machine or hand spraying onto the top of the soil. This invention releases nitrogen gradually, reducing runoff and lost resources. According to
The Guardian, FDP increases smallholder yield by up to 18% and reduces fertilizer use by 1/3. Reduced fertilizer use means conserved resources, more effective usage due to less run off, and reduced effect on the surrounding environment. This is good news for those interested in sustainable agriculture.
In a world of every changing technology, it’s no surprise that agricultural automation, more commonly known as “farming robots,” has been developed. The use of robotics to plant, harvest, and process food products such as corn and other grains is anticipated to make mono-agricultural farming easier as the industry grows in an increasingly larger scale. These types of automated farm implements could also be beneficial in remotely monitoring the health of crops, similarly to precision farming.
Technology and inventions related to food production and agriculture are continually expanding. People interested in joining the revolution of sustainable food production may want to consider implementing some of these advancements. Many of these options are surprisingly affordable, with positive results.
If you’re interested in innovative products for sustainable agriculture, take a look at the products offered through Dutch Direct. We supply name brand products at wholesale prices so you can increase your efficiency, productivity, and ROI. You’ll love our expert consulting team, who can help you choose exactly the right products for your needs – at the best prices. Contact Dutch Direct today or give us a call at 866-388-2431.
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